Friday, January 16, 2009

DCP-Nemo:Solo Day #1:God help me!

Well, so yesterday I had my first solo day. It started off pretty well. I jumped in the sub to drive my required 3 cycles. And it went great! I stayed on profile (speed) the entire ride, and parked almost perfectly. Then, I worked on hatches for a few minutes then it was time for my break.

Then after break it all went bad. I got back on the sub for another 3 cycles. But, it was on a sub I hadn't driven before, and well it turns out it's one of the fast ones. So I was a bit faster then I was supposed to be all throughout the ride, and I overshot or undershot my parking everytime.

Then the day finally ended, after 3 more bad cycles. But, then I realized I'd lost my ID card for the park, which I need to get into work. And my debit card. It wasn't a good day.

But I was thankful later, because I had gone to deposit my paycheck early that day, but couldn't because I forgot my debit card. And I'd transfered money to my savings from my checking for rent. So, I didn't have much on my card anyway! I had to thank the Lord for that! He was looking over the situation all along. :) He is so good! So despite my bad day, I tried not to forget that He is good, and that I need to trust him fully!!! And despite my bad day, he drew me closer to Him. I praise Him for that!


Tiffany Ann said...

This is a very bad day. Poor Katie. And I wasn't even there to make you feel better. I am sorry love but I am glad that the next day went better! I love you and I miss you and I can't wait to see you!

~KtC~ said...

Yea I'm sad you weren't here either!!! And same here to all statements you made! <3