Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Long time coming...

Sorry to all my readers. It's been a while, but this is one of many more blogs over the next few days. I hope. lol. So what has been going on these last few months other than lots of school? Well not really that much but I've been learning one thing A WHOLE LOT lately (through our church small group studies of "The Gospel Centered Life" and "When Sinners Say I Do" and that is this...


Christ is a gracious merciful forgiving Savior. I deserve nothing. Yet He has given me everything.


My friend Landon is going to be in London for the next two years as a missionary. He wrote a song that's lyrics serve as a constant reminder of my sin, and God's holiness some of the lyrics go like this...

"This is the song of a sinner. to my savior....I have nothing to offer you, so empty me, that your life can show through...I deserve death, I'm guilty."

This has been my ringtone everyday as a way to start my day off remembering that I am a sinner. For if I have a little view of my sin I have a little view of God. The cross needs to be ever growing and not shrinking. Therefore, my awareness of my sin needs to be growing and constant. Yet so often we do not think about it. So I will leave this blog short and simple. I AM A SINNER. And Jesus Christ is a wonderul savior who's death ensured and paid for the sins I commit daily against an All-Glorious God. More on these studies later.

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